Nearly 200 people held a demonstration outside Collingwood town hall last night to protest what they feel was council's rushed decision to put a covering over Centennial Pool and build a new arena at Central Park.

Mayor Sandra Cooper told council last night, facts had been distorted and there were no secrets at town hall.

A steering committee recommended a 35 million dollar multi use facility at Central Park.

Cooper said senior staff spent 45 days looking at various options, and added the town carries a massive debt load and cannot just spend and borrow, or tax people who won't use the facility. 

COLLINGWOOD — About 80 people made the trek between Central Park and town hall Monday night, urging council to hit the 'pause' button and consider a partnership with the YMCA for aquatic facilities.

They were joined by another 20 or so people in front of the municipal offices, just prior to council's weekly meeting. As in last week's rally — which drew about 225 people — attendees called on council to 'do it once, do it right'.

While fewer showed up this week than last, Friends of Central Park spokesperson Geoff Moran says finding the time to come out at 4 p.m. on a Monday is difficult for most.

 ARTICLE  FROM 97.7 THE BEACH, by Catherine Thompson  

Friends of the Central Park Project are staging a protest march on Monday afternoon.

A group of people in Collingwood aren't letting councillors off the hook.

Friends of the Collingwood Central Park Project are staging a protest march on Monday afternoon.

The group will meet at Central Park on Hume Street at 4 PM and march to town hall to greet councillors as they arrive for their 5 PM Council meeting.


The battle over recreational facilities in Collingwood will heat up again today with a march on town hall this afternoon.

Opponents of council's decision to put a bubble-like structure over Centennial Pool and build a new arena at Central Park will gather at the YMCA at four o'clock.

They claim council rushed a decision to spend 11.6 million dollars on the facilities without public input.

A steering committee recommended a 35 million dollar multi use rec centre at Central Park with a larger pool, twin ice pad and community space.